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Step 3

of the Cryptos Hunt


Porter Preserve is where your hike awaits. The link in gold will help you navigate there. Hike south along the White Trail and look for the first bench, it's a half sawn log.  Sit and ponder, where your clue might be. 

Clue #3

The Boothbay Region is blessed to have public lands (Boothbay Region Land Trust) that offer some of the best hikes in the mid-coast. Spruce tree glens opening up to rocky shores along the ocean offer a glimpse into the beauty that surrounds us. One such trail is located on Barter’s Island, which is the island Lori grew up on. It’s accessed by a small steel hand cranked swing bridge, more on this later….

Nicely done!

If you have deciphered the code correctly you might be wondering what in the world it means! Well, things just got a bit more interesting since what you thought was a one dimension label turns out to be much more. Look at Chris the skeleton, what is he doing? By the way, we named him Chris after our very good friend that left us way too early in life. He was such an important part of our lives that we actually sprinkled some of his ashes in the tavern floor when we poured it to keep his memory alive and to be close to him. He often visits us and enjoys making noises and occasionally shuffles things around.

Ok, back to the hunt!  If you have figured it out you should be seeing other hidden clues, numbers and phrases within the label. You will see that the label you have in your hand is only one of a series of Cryptos labels. You will need to collect all of the labels in this series to be able to complete your quest and receive prizes!  It would be helpful to stay organized by getting a binder with those clear sheet covers. Stick your labels on those so they can be referenced from time to time. Also, get some blank paper and a crayon for doing what we call "gravestone rubbings", and for keeping notes. The better your Cryptos journal the better the prizes! It is important that you follow our lead and not try to skip since you will find yourself dead ended and won't be able to advance. You will need to work on collecting all the labels in this series to advance onto the next world's hunt. The Cryptos Hunt was designed with intricacy and with deep connections.

Now it is time for you to plan your  first road trip.  Since we are  located on the Boothbay  peninsula this is where your journey will begin.

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